2. Configuration

The client can read server connection details from a configuration file. The configuration file should be located in /etc/pdc.d/ directory which contains fedora.json, or in ~/.config/pdc/client_config.json. If both files are present, the system one is loaded first and the user configuration is applied on top of it (to add other options or overwrite existing ones).

The configuration file should contain a JSON object, which maps server name to JSON object with details. The name is an arbitrary string used at client run time to identify which server you want to connect to.

The details of a single server must contain at least one key: host which specifies the URL to the API root (e.g. http:://localhost:8000/rest_api/v1/ for local instance).

Other possible keys are:

  • token

    If specified, this token will be used for authentication. The client will not try to obtain any token from the server.

  • ssl-verify

    If set to false, server certificate will not be validated. See [Python requests documentation](http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/user/advanced/#ssl-cert-verification) for other possible values.

  • develop

    When set to true, the client will not use any authentication at all, not requesting a token nor sending any token with the requests. This is only useful for working with servers which don’t require authentication.

  • plugins

    Plugins are configurable which depends on the user’s needs. If no plugins are configured, the default plugins will be used. If plugins are configured, they will be merged to the default ones.

2.1. Example

This config defines connection to development server running on localhost and a production server:

    "local": {
        "host": "http://localhost:8000/rest_api/v1/",
        "develop": true,
        "ssl-verify": false
    "prod": {
        "host": "https://pdc.example.com/rest_api/v1/",
        "plugins": ["permission.py", "release.py"]